Aviptadil: A promising treatment option for acute respiratory distress syndrome

Aviptadil: A promising treatment option for acute respiratory distress syndrome
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A group of senior doctors with vast experience in the management of respiratory diseases got together on 25th June 2022 under the leadership of Dr. V. K. Arora, Dr. D. Behera, Dr. Agam Vora, Dr. Parthiv Mehta, Dr. Arindam Kar, Dr. A. Jaychandra, Dr. B. P. Singh, Dr. S. K. Katiyar, Dr. Subhankar Kandi, Dr. J. K. Samaria, Dr. Parvaiz Koul, Dr. Naveed Nazir Shah, Dr. Rukhsana Najeeb, Dr. N. K. Jain, Dr. Sadiq Ahmad, Dr. Mir Faisal, Dr. Rayees Najib and Dr. Bhupesh Dewan under the auspices of the Academy of Advanced Medical Education. It was a very useful discussion, bringing out their personal experiences regarding the use of Aviptadil in Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) a life-threatening respiratory condition. ARDS is a manifestation of acute injury to the lung, associated with sepsis, pneumonia, severe pulmonary infections, aspiration of gastric contents, major trauma and tuberculosis.


Aviptadil: A promising treatment option for acute respiratory distress syndrome Citation: Vora A, Mehta P, Arora VK, Dewan B, et al. Aviptadil: A promising treatment option for acute respiratory distress syndrome. Indian J Tuberc. 2023;70(4):510-511.